We have partnered with independent appraisers for all your jewelry appraisal needs. Most of our appraised items in the store have been appraised by an independent service and we offer the same service to our customers. Call or stop in to see if an appraisal would be right for you and your jewelry.We have partnered with independent appraisers for all your jewelry appraisal needs. Most of our appraised items in the store have been appraised by an independent service and we offer the same service to our customers. Call or stop in to see if an appraisal would be right for you and your jewelry.
Did you know that your homeowners or renters insurance rarely will cover the full value of your fine jewelry in the event of theft or loss? Depending on your deductible, you may not get anything at all! To cover the full value of your fine jewelry, you should have a professional appraise each piece and then have it covered by your insurance under a separate policy or an attachment to your homeowners or renters policy. To accomplish this, most insurance companies will require a professional appraisal by an independent gemologist.